I have been a private tutor since April 2021, helping over thirty different students with exams from KS3 to university applications. Bookings are now closed for the academic year.
I am:
I have been class-based tutoring since 2014 as a volunteer (and then employed) class assistant at Mayfield School's SPARK camps, as well as at Mayfield Primary School, and as an EFL (and French second language) tutor in Cambodia. I have been one-to-one tutoring students online aged from Key Stage 2 to A-Level since 2021 with Witherow Brooke Tuition, and alongside this I have helped several prospective applicants across a range of subjects (predominantly Linguistics, but also Music, History, and English Literature) and a variety of colleges (predominantly King's, but also Girton, Pembroke, Newnham, Selwyn and St John's). On top of the agency work, and some freelance GCSE tutoring, I have been tutoring with MyTutor as part of the National Schools' Tuition Programme (part of the government's COVID catchup plans) since October 2022, helping state school students from backgrounds where they would not have otherwise been able to afford tutoring with GCSE preparation in English Language and Literature.
I am currently open to paid opportunities for academic and non-academic editing. Currently, I am working on helping to edit a chapter of a handbook set to be published with Oxford University Press next year. I am also editing my own thesis for publication, and working on the Say It In Abkhaz project. Rates to be agreed on proposal of project, subject to length, depth of review, and timescale. If you would like me to get involved with your editing, or have any questions, then send me an email!
I am open to a whole range of other freelance work, so do get in contact. I have a lot of skills apart from tutoring and editing (check out
the About Me section of the website).
And hey,
I built this website myself!